Looks like fun.
wirify wireframe tool
Wirify bookmarklet lets you turn any web page into a wireframe in one click. Pro version has export to omnigraffle.
Google Analytics Individual Qualification lessons
Follow these lessons to prepare for the Google Analytics Individual Qualification (IQ) test
Boneyard airplane art
Medical Device & Manufacturing trade show
this year in Anaheim Feb. 14-16
Nokero solar lights
I’m taking notes on solar lights. Nokero (no kerosene) lights and solar recharge panels. The batteries are replaceable. N100 shown below for $15
Boxmaker for lasercutter
BoxMaker http://boxmaker.rahulbotics.com/
Give us dimensions, and we’ll generate a PDF you can use to cut a notched box on a laser-cutter.
website to create pdf plans of finger jointed boxes
Building a Flight Case
DIY instructions for building those plywood cases with metal fittings used mostly by musicians.
solar indoor lighting for Baja living
Baja living encourages investigation of new solar technology. Paul at Zacs recommended a starting kit of 4 panels, 24 volt battery (Surrette Rolls are the best), an Outback power inverter and solar controller. This minimal system would cost $5000. A more appropriate alternative for those with limited need and resources is to use a Honda EU2000 generator to power tools and to use a small scale LED lighting system.

d.light S10 solar lantern
I ordered the d.light S1 and S10 solar lanterns. Both are in orange plastic with a stainless wire handle. I like the compactness of the S1 but the friendly lantern glow of the S10 also has an appeal. They seem to produce the same amount of light and I assume the battery life is similar. I also ordered the barefoot power firefly. I’m not as impressed with it at the moment. The main issue is the unwieldiness of a separate solar panel that connects with a long wire. Otherwise the firefly with 12 LEDs seemed to produce about the same amount of light as the d.lights. It was nice to have the gooseneck but overall is seemed like more of a toy and less of a tool. Barefoot powers larger light systems look interesting.
I’ll probably order a half dozen S1 and see how they fare. I would like to see a compact modular rectangular solar lamp that you could daisy chain and control with a single switch. with larger panel and battery than the S1, perhaps a brighter lamp would also be possible.
http://www.dlightdesign.com d.light S10 solar lantern $15.95
http://www.barefootpower.com/ firefly mobile lamp 55 lumens and phone charging. Powapack kits to light a hut.
The Gift by BLR_VFX
Mobius mini-movie
Mobius from Vincent Laforet on Vimeo.
A short film about a photojournalist who stumbles upon a cartel execution and supernatural events in the the “Zone of Silence” in Mexico. Starring David Lyons, Luis Moncada, Edward Mora, and Marco Rodriguez.
What a wonderful world
David Attenbororough BBC
12 Things Happy People Do Differently
Sonja Lyubomirsky points to 12 things happy people do differently to increase their levels of happiness in her book The How of Happiness
1. Express gratitude.
2. Cultivate optimism.
3. Avoid over-thinking and social comparison.
4. Practice acts of kindness.
5. Nurture social relationships.
6. Develop strategies for coping.
7. Learn to forgive.
8. Increase flow experiences.
9. Savor life’s joys.
10. Commit to your goals.
11. Practice spirituality.
12. Take care of your body.
Git and Gist
“Git is an extremely fast, efficient, distributed version control system ideal for the collaborative development of software.”
“Gist is a simple way to share snippets and pastes with others. All gists are git repositories, so they are automatically versioned, forkable and usable as a git repository.”
Pixologic ZBrush and Sculptris
This looks like the 3D software to create organic forms. ZBrush for $699. Sculptris is the beginners version. Free Sculptris download with registration.
http://www.pixologic.com/zbrush/ http://www.pixologic.com/sculptris/
Object Oriented PHP tutorial
Object Oriented PHP tutorial by Stefan Mischook
Autodesk 123D Catch
Autodesk 123D Catch
Turn ordinary photos into extraordinary 3D models with Autodesk® 123D™ Catch. Take photos of your favorite people, places and things and let the power of the cloud magically transform them into detailed 3D models.
Artistic Furniture of Charles Rohlfs
I saw this show at the Met in NY in 2010. The latch photo above is more nouveau style than most of his work. I love the crafts nature of it as well. Need more info about the workshop.