The Information Sage
Meet Edward Tufte, the graphics guru to the power elite who is revolutionizing how we see data. By Joshua Yaffa
I am a long time fan of Tufte.–artbobo
The Information Sage
Meet Edward Tufte, the graphics guru to the power elite who is revolutionizing how we see data. By Joshua Yaffa
I am a long time fan of Tufte.–artbobo
Amazing work.
Spike Jonze caught a collaboration between dancer Lil Buck and cellist Yo-Yo Ma on video the other day: (via Kottke)
I think this is rather well written.
Kudos to Sudo–artbobo
an inexpensive cutting tool for paper, vinyl, card stock.
Here are the steps to migrate your products from Zen Cart to Big Commerce. (This information can probably be used to migrate from OSCommerce as well.) It’s a little tricky to do smoothly. The basic process is to create a CSV file from your Zen Cart database then use the Import Products feature in BigCommerce. The tricky part ,of course, is to create the CSV file properly. It’s best to get your data organized in Zen Cart before creating the CSV file. NOTE: I wrote this for BigCommerce V6. The current V7 does not have a option import feature.
1. Product names need to be unique. In Zen Cart, you can have two products with the same name. Big Commerce uses the product name to identify the product.
If you have access to a SQL query tool like PHPmyadmin, you can use the following SQL query to check for duplicate names in Zen Cart: Continue reading
2019: A Future Imagined from Flat-12 on Vimeo.
“the vaunted concept designer behind Blade Runner, Aliens, and Tron — on life in 2019” I’m impressed with how articulate he his.
This is a really fun site selling stuff like hand-moldable plastic, semi-translucent concrete and suction cup tape. It’s almost like time warping to the future.
Rapid protyping and injection molding service.
$99/$159 for mac or windows
Be sure to watch it full screen.
The Third & The Seventh from Alex Roman on Vimeo.
“We are living in a storm where a hundred contradictory elements collide; debris from the past, scraps of the present, seeds of the future, swirling, combining, separating under the imperious wind of destiny.”
Adolphe Retté , La Plume, March 1, 1898
In the novice stage, a person follows rules as given, without context, with no sense of responsibility beyond following the rules exactly. Competence develops when the individual develops organizing principles to quickly access the particular rules that are relevant to the specific task at hand; hence, competence is characterized by active decision making in choosing a course of action. Proficiency is shown by individuals who develop intuition to guide their decisions and devise their own rules to formulate plans. The progression is thus from rigid adherence to rules to an intuitive mode of reasoning based on tacit knowledge.
Michael Eraut summarized the five stages of increasing skill as follows:[2]