Author Archives: admin
Data Visualization
It’s a small world after all.
Smashwords ebook publishing
“Smashwords Distributes your ebook to the Apple iBookstore, Barnes & Noble, Sony Reader Store, Kobo and the Diesel eBook Store
Earn 60% of List Price from Major Ebook Retailers and 85% Net at”
so it looks like they keep 10% since the Apple iBookstore usually takes 30%. Not bad. Amazon is notable missing from this list.
Vinay Gupta’s hexayurts are made from 12 sheets of 4×8 panels. Many variations. 500 shelters at burning man.
Ninja improv
got to be careful when combating ninjas.
Early web browsers
Mosaic was the first browser that I used and connected to the CERN server in Switzerland. I also used Lynx, which was a text browser. Later I would work on Cyberdog, Apple’s first web browser. –artbobo
Creating a WordPress Child Theme Using Twenty Eleven
Any serious modification of WordPress requires child themes. This tutorial seems to be the most straightforward.
In many ways the holy grail of ecommerce for most small businesses would be a wordpress plugin. Many have tried with medocre results. Woo has a good rep with themes.
RSA Animate- Changing Education Paradigms
I like these RSA animate videos. Illustrating a lecture, now there’s an idea!
Google Merchant Resources
Below are the Resources listed by Google for their Product feed. Many new requirements.
Merchant Resources
Crisis of Capitalism
and Richard Wolff’s Capitalism Hits the Fan
Comparison Shopping Engine & Data Feed Management – GoDataFeed
“A simple and affordable way to optimize your product listings, automate your datafeed submissions and drive more qualified, targeted traffic to your Website”
or so they say. At $50 a month, seems a little pricey too.
How to teach your child self-dicipline
Looking For A Steal? Try The Snakes of Urban Outfitters –
Amazing lack of integrity on the part of Urban Outfitters.
“one feather, one flame and one dragon scale at a time”
I just love that quote!
Beautiful work darling!
A day made of glass by Corning
Corning put some serious time and money to create this promotional video. Interesting UX going on too.
“Tinkercad is a new and faster way of creating designs for your 3D printer. With the help of the latest web technology you can now use a solid modeling CAD directly in your browser.”
Browser based CAD, nice
However Vast the Darkness, We Must Supply Our Own Light
Stanley Kubrick in his 1968 interview with Playboy:
The most terrifying fact of the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent; but if we can come to terms with this indifference and accept the challenges of life within the boundaries of death — however mutable man may be able to make them — our existence as a species can have genuine meaning and fulfillment.
However vast the darkness, we must supply our own light.
lifted from John Gruber’s Daring Fireball
Khan Academy video tutorials
A great idea for education that seems to work.
“With a library of over 2,400 videos covering everything from arithmetic to physics, finance, and history and 125 practice exercises, we’re on a mission to help you learn whatever you want, whenever you want, at your own pace. ”
I’m recommending the statistics course for John at SFSU.